Ok....so Katie is 10 months for the next 10 days! She seems to learn somthing new everyday. She loves to play and get into everything. She is crawling all over the house very quickly and has taken 3 steps! She smiles and giggles very easily. I love that she has learned that when she smiles first she can get me to smile. She also will laugh if I tell her how funny she is. She loves to take walks and explore. She can say Mama, Dada, and all done. She's also starting to use the hand signals that we've been working on. She gets excited and kicks her feet when offered food that she loves. She also always wants a sip of what I'm drinking. It's usually water so I oblige her, but she doesn't get it when it's what I call an "adult beverage". Which usually means its hot tea or apple cider. Since I've posted last we've been to Apple Hill to pick pumpkins and Halloween has also passed. Dustin is now through with going to class on Fridays and Saturdays! Hallelujah! We're thrilled to have more time as a family, more time to work on projects around the house, and time to fellowship more frequently with our church family.

We're beginning to realize Thanksgiving is just around the corner and so is Katie's 1st birthday and Christmas! Wow, Lots to plan! 1st Birthday Party plans are in the works!
We hope we have a chance to visit with each of you over the holidays dear friends and family. Isn't it wonderful to have a time of year set aside specifically to remember to thank our Lord for all of his abundant blessings? I know I so often am like the Israelites wandering in the desert and grumbling and complaining. I often forget to thank God for his provision for my family, or I forget the next day and am grumbling in my heart again. May we remember to thank our God for his care for us...and if you call him Lord, may we remember to thank him for his saving grace that He would save such a wretch like me even when I complain like a wandering Israelite.