Tuesday, September 23, 2008

It's Been Way to Long....

It's been way to long since we've updated our blog. Embarrisingly long actually. I've had several of our faithful readers tell us that they keep checking, but there's nothing new to read. I almost feel guilty sitting down at the computer in the evenings. There's always a project around the house to work on or dishes and laundry to do.
We've accomplished quite a bit in the last two months...and there's been a lot going on in our lives as well.


Since our last post we now have running water and appliances in the kitchen. The kitchen is actually fully complete with the exception of a few cabinet doors and my knife set which is still in an unknown unpacked box.


The Guest Bathroom has gone from this...

To this...

We've also been working diligently on the nursery. Scott and Michelle were here for a weekend and they began the painting process with me. Amanda was here last weekend and she very carefully measured and taped for the stripes that will be painted later this week. We're getting close. I hope to have finished pictures of the nursery up by this weekend.

Dad Bino hung cabinets in the laundry room on his last visit. This weekend he also installed several lights and finished switching out the outlets and light switches. We also now have a lock on our back door.

Dustin took on the sprinkler system as well. He found leaks in multiple places. We were told by our neighbor that the previous owners had never used the sprinklers. Now we know why. They are still not on a timer, but we're able to turn them on manually. It saves me a lot of time at night now that I don't have to move the hose and sprinkler attachment around all night. It was quite a muddy project and Dad Hobbs was called in for assistance.

The biggest change has been the installation of the wood flooring. We had so much help on this project. We will be forever grateful to our friends from church and to Dad Hobbs for all of their help. Kevin and Bob came to help lay the floors and Suzie brought lunch for the guys. The carpet was ripped out in time to have the floors completed for my baby shower last weekend, but Dad Hobbs hurt his back and we knew he wouldn't be able to crawl on the floor for 3 days as originally planned. The floors were installed in time and my family was here to help get the house in order for guest.

The Sealant was the most beautiful shade of aqua. Dustin sealed the floor in a morning, but first he had to rip out the carpet. He also spent a very dusty day sanding the floor with a commercial sander. I was sent away for the day during this occurance. I had the most delightful day at Grandpa and Mary Barkley's. We baked several varieties of cookies, had a nice walk in the garden, and attended a taco fundraiser. It was a great day only to return home to find a very dirty and dusty house. I was quite releaved to have the floor sealed.

The floors now look great. Dustin has been working the last couple of nights to get the remaining glue residue off of the floor. He only needs to finish the closet and a couple of pieces in the hallway.
Oh...and we now have screens on all of the windows. It's been so nice to be able to open the windows and enjoy the fall air.
That's all for now folks...I'll try to update you on our personal lives tomorrow.

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