Last summer the house was torn apart on the inside. This year we are working on the outside. In the last couple of weeks the front is starting to take shape. Here are pictures of what has been keeping us busy!
A fountain gets added! However, we've already burned out the motor.I have plans to paint the fence and add a trellis to it. Landscaping is next!
Dustin started the process of ripping off the old shake roof last week. We had so much help this weekend. Dad Hobbs spent the weekend re-roofing and plans to return tomorrow to finish. Grant and Elizabeth even made the long drive to help us! We are so thankful! We couldn't have done it without all of the help! I'm also thankful for the rain tonight that helped wash all of the dust and dirt away that was left after the dumpster was removed from our driveway today. The portion of the roof that still is not finished was covered in heavy duty plastic.
Here's a picture of Dad Hobbs reroofing the first portion of the roof!
More pictures to come of the new paint job as well. The last week and a half the house is getting a new color palette of greenish beige with off white trim and black accents! It's been fun to pick all the new colors!
And of course I can't post without a picture of Katherine...She's been busy getting used to rice cereal for the first time and trying to take naps through all of the noise.
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