Sunday, March 22, 2009

3 Months Old

It's been an interesting week in the Hobbs household. I officially resigned my position at the Business Journal as of last Tuesday. I feel like we've had extra confirmation this week that it was the right decision for us. Katie hasn't been feeling well. She had been tugging at her ears and a little extra cranky last week. I decided on Tuesday to take her to the doctor. I didn't know if she had just "found" her ears and was enjoying playing with them or if she could possibly have an ear infection. Dr. Valdez confirmed that she had an ear infection in her left ear. Tuesday should have been my first day back and I was needed to take care of my sick baby. Friday night she slept for 7 hours straight! That is the longest she's ever slept and I was so happy! When I woke up after 6 hours and realized how long it had been I ran into her nursery to check on her. That only lasted one night however. Last night she was really not feeling well and only sleeping for an hour and a half at a time. This morning she woke with a red splotches all over and we decided to call the Doc. We all thought that perhaps she had an allergic reaction to her antibiotics. We took her in only to find out that she had a bad ear infection in the other ear and the rash was caused from her body trying to fight it off. Needless to say that I wouldn't be working tomorrow either. I'm so thankful that I get to be home instead of feeling like a bad employee with 2 call ins in a week following 12 weeks of maternity leave. I am soo soo grateful and counting my blessings. Here's a run through of the last 10 days or so.

Katherine weighed 11 pounds when she was at the doctor on Tuesday.

Last Sunday I put Katie in the exersaucer at church to see what she would do. She just dangled because she can't touch the ground yet, but she sat there for 15 minutes just looking at the toys. When we returned home Dustin wanted to put together her rainforest bouncer to see what she would do. She loves to look at the toys and lights as well, but feel asleep.

Katie has been getting baths in the sink, but since we bought bath toys with our target giftcards I decided to see what she thought of them. She's now graduated to the infant tub. She loves to kick away and play in the water. I can't wait to get her into a swimming pool. Here she is tired and yawning after her bath.

Grandpa and Grandma Bino came for a visit this weekend. Here's Grandpa showing Katie the softball glove he bought for her when I was only a couple of months pregnant. He found out from a lady that he was talking to at jury duty that they make pink gloves and sell them at Target. He sent Grandma out right away to find one.

Here's the little one with her splotchy forehead.

And a photo of her tugging at her ear. She was doing the double fisted pull today.

Katie loved looking in the mirrors at the Cheescake factory. She was quite entertained.

Smiling away.


Chris said...

I'm sorry to hear about the ear infections. Nathan has had thrush for a long time, and we've been fighting it off, then it comes back, fighting it off, then it comes back. Katie is looking very much like you, which is good, cause Dustin wouldn't make an attractive woman. :)

Dustin said...

I agree...

Casey said...

Ok so it's official that she's the cutest baby ever. I think you've proved your point!

Love you guys