Friday, March 13, 2009

All the things I'm learning...

Sometimes I'm starting to bat at my toys.

I love my new Baby Einstein Videos.

Learning to pester Dad while he sleeps.
Story Time!
Learning to stand.

Learning to sit in my Bumbo seat.

Learning to hold my rattle.

Learning to melt Mom's heart.

1 comment:

Chris said...

Nathan loves his Bumbo chair. Those things are so great. I sit him right in front of the T.V. and he and I watch the Baby Einstein Sportscenter Show. Ok, so it's not baby Einstein, but it's sportscenter, which to me is good

We took Nathan to get "Wick" yesterday, and he was only 24 inches long, but is 13lbs 9oz. Crazy how fast both of ours are growing up!